Saturday, March 12, 2011

Houston, we have a keyboard


I had a feeling once I got past the interrupt barrier things would move a lot more smoothly.

I quickly got the keyboard interrupt working (it puts the scancodes into a queue and returns as quickly as possible).

Then, I changed the final idle loop into a loop to empty this queue. Right now, it is printing the scan codes - you can see the keyboard scancodes (in hex) for "Shift, h, i, space, k, e, y, b, o, a, r, d". I am ignoring all break codes, so you don't see the Shift key released.

It was a real pain getting the screen shot for this one. I couldn't hit print screen in Bochs, no telling what that funky scan code would do to my handler :) I had to make a tiny notepad window active (you can see it peeking over the left edge), and do a full screen capture.

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