Monday, February 23, 2009


A simple addition to C (variable length arrays using the [] notation), allows the removal of std::string and std::vector.

The question becomes, "how much do we really need from STL"?

From personal experience, the most used classes are std::string, and std::vector. The next is probably std::map (although std::list is handy, but vector can do most of it). Keep in mind, Tcl gets by with just string and maps of strings to strings...

D uses a simple concept to add maps.

char[][char[]] strStrMap; // a map from string to string
int[int] intIntMap; // a map from int to int
char[][int] intStrMap; // a map from int to string

The usage is just like it looks:

strStrMap["hello"] = "world";
intintMap[6] = 4; // Craw Giant
intStrMap[0] = "trample";

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Native Vector

I think the D Faq makes my point for me:
"the implementation of a string type in STL is over two thousand lines of code, using every advanced feature of templates. How much confidence can you have that this is all working correctly, how do you fix it if it is not, what do you do with the notoriously inscrutable error messages when there's an error using it, how can you be sure you are using it correctly"
Vectors are built in to D:

char str1[8]; // eight chars, enough to hold a string of length 7 and the 0 terminator
char str2[]; // a variable size string
char *str3; // a C style unknown length string

D strings are not NULL terminated (although string literals are given an extra NULL byte so that they can easily be used as C strings). This allows substrings to be referenced in situ. String length is determined using the vector length.

D is also able to avoid a pitfall of Java. When Java was developed, Unicode was all the rage. So, strings in Java are all Unicode (2 bytes). That means every string is taking up twice the memory of a C string.

D uses UTF-8 (which I've only learned of recently, Wikipedia says it was first presented in 1993 - Java was started in 1991). That means we can get all the juiciness of foreign characters sets (Hebrew and Greek being of interest to me lately), without the 2x memory penalty.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Native String

The lack of native support for strings in C++ was a determined decision on the part of Stroustrup (I'd love to read his book on the history of the development of C++).

It is largely this decision which has made C++ everything it is (good and bad). Templates are driven by the need to implement vectors, so that strings can be vector<char> (or vector<short> for unicode). Allocation and comparison get added to the template implementation, which requires default parameters. Horribly long and ugly template definitions (std::vector<char, std::alocator, std::traits<char> >::basic_function, etc.) lead to changes in error detection and reporting.

What if we take a step back.

What if we look at a few simple additions to C, that will bring in some of the functionality people have come to enjoy in higher level languages (and what functionality is "good", how do we define "good").

Friday, February 20, 2009


I was reading the Daily WTF (which is can be a great learning resource on the potential horrors of any programming language and development system).

I saw the most incredible claim, "C/C++ has no native support for such a structure [strings]. It's only in the STL.".

Err, yea, it's hard to do C++ nowadays without the STL.

You might think this code won't work:

std::string arg("Hi me");
if( "Hi me" == arg ) { printf("Yup"); }

But it resolves to
operator==(const char*, std::string &);

Of course it leads to the horror I have to deal with:

Ret myFun(const char *charp)
FX::FXString foxStr(charp);

std::string stlStr(foxStr.text());

// convert STL string to Fox String
// convert STL string to char*

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stuff I've read lately

"March Upcountry" (John Ringo and David Weber) - I was looking for more John Ringo. This series is in the library under Weber. I wasn't sure if it would be more Weber or Ringo. I would say it is more Ringo's style. Straight up marines slogging through enemy territory. Well done.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Stuff I've read lately

"Manxome Foe" (John Ringo) - This is the third book in the "Into the Looking Glass" series. This is really excellent space opera. Ringo is pacing himself nicely - I think he will be able to avoid painting himself into a corner (ala Peter Hamilton's Reality Dysfunction). Good space combat and marine boarding action scenes. The right mix of humor and seriousness.