Friday, June 06, 2008

New Stars Status

Trying to crush off the bugs from the last bug report...

Here we can see the main fixes. I've added a player command to the Tcl interface, mainly to implement player relations. However, I think the main player relation code will need to be reworked...

I also fixed the mining rate calculation, and max defenses calculation (and the resources now say max/max instead of 0/max).

I also added some menus (view race - previously only accessible through F8, research - ditto/F5, battle plans - stub, change password - stub).

I fixed a bug where using the race wizard would break viewing your current game race, and another where planetary resources display as 0 on the first turn.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Stuff I've read lately

"Halting State" (Charles Stross) - This is very near future fiction, about 10 years out. It is basically a mystery/spy thriller featuring a nerdy programmer and an accountant. I found it pretty well done. The zombie flash mob at the end was a nice touch.