Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Stuff I've read lately

"A is for Alibi" (Sue Grafton)(audio) - This is the first in the "Alphabet Murder" series. It's interesting to see how Grafton has developed as a writer.

And it is good they replaced this narrator.

She is terrible.

She has two tones - monotone and slightly deeper monotone. For an audio book, you need at least two distinct tones, so you can figure out when the speaker changes in a dialogue (basically, to denote the paragraph breaks). Distinct voices for each character and one for actions is a plus, but not absolutely necessary.

A lot of the time, I couldn't figure out who was talking - even if I was paying attention. And if distracted (say, by a crazy MD driver), it was easy to get lost. Sometimes it was hard to tell if someone was speaking or if something was happening.

That said, the story was ok. Grafton drifted some into "romance novel" territory, which she is obviously terrible at. Good to see she has dropped it in the later novels.

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