Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Stars Status

Not exactly a blitz, but moving along...

Here is player 2. Note, I have fixed the title bar. I did the Stars turn by hand, but the New Stars turn was generated from Tcl!

$ cat orders_P2_2400.tcl
set owd [pwd]
cd ../../../gui/tcl
load ./nstclgui.so
source nsCli.tcl

set nsGui::playerNum [newStars $::ns_open $owd/tiny_sparse_P2_Y2400.xml]
set hwPID $nsGui::myPlanetMap(0)

set fid [findFleetByName "Armed Probe #2443026239740"]
sendFleetToPlanet "Armed Probe #2443026239740" [findPlanetByName Pervo]
sendFleetToPlanet "Armed Probe #2443026239740"
sendFleetToPlanet "Armed Probe #2443026239740"

# get a useful scout
newStars $::ns_design $::ns_loadPre scout "Smaugarian Peeping Tom"
newStars $::ns_design $::ns_save

# build it
newStars $::ns_planet $hwPID $::ns_addAtIndex 0 0 1 $::designMap(3)

# set orders for max growth
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
newStars $::ns_planet $hwPID $::ns_addAtIndex 1 1 3
newStars $::ns_planet $hwPID $::ns_addAtIndex 2 1 4

newStars $::ns_save $owd/tiny_sparse_P2_Y2400.xml

Pasting Tcl code is so much easier than C++, a lot fewer < and >!

I had to override the logic for "sendFleetToPlanet" auto-pick. It picks the closest planet, but I wanted to send the Armed Probe on a one-way trip to cover a specific set of planets. The Smaug will cover closer planets.

I had to adjust the speed of the probe in Stars, but the New Stars auto-pick got the speed I wanted, very nice!

New Stars does not show what will finish, that is a very hard problem. I will have to address it at some point, though...

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