Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Stars Status

Let me start by saying the gcc maintainers are jerks.

I have heard this accusation often on comp.arch, but I was skeptical. Now I know it's true.

If you doubt, read this.

That was back in October, there is still no solution for Cygwin (as far as I can tell). My latest updates pulled down the latest versions, and now I can no longer build NewStars.

I had to back rev to gcc-3 (as mentioned in the post).

Which brings us:

Ahh yeah! Stars versus New Stars, head to head!

Turn 1, player 1 of the test game.

Obvious differences:
  1. Stars and New Stars have the origin of their graphics inverted. This creates a "mirror" effect when looking at the universe (not going to fix)
  2. Stars puts some useful info in the title bar (will fix ASAP)
  3. I am missing the planetary mineral concentrations (will fix, eventually)
More soon!

P.S. Interesting factoids
  1. Stars adds 1000 to x and y
  2. I used Tcl to verify the structure of the master xml
package require tdom
set doc [dom parse -channel [open tiny_sparse.xml]]
set root [$doc documentElement root]

set univP [$root selectNodes //UNIVERSE_PLANET_LIST/PLANET]
set playP [$root selectNodes //PLANET_LIST/PLANET]
puts "#\tX\tY\tName"
foreach p $univP {
set name [$p selectNodes string(NAME/text())]
set id [$p selectNodes string(OBJECTID/text())]
set x [$p selectNodes string(X_COORD/text())]
set y [$p selectNodes string(Y_COORD/text())]

incr x 1000
incr y 1000
puts "$id\t$x\t$y\t$name"

That creates the "Universe Definition File" (Report->Dump To Text File->Universe Definition). I have a longer version which checks the integrity of the player maps against the global map.

1 comment:

jdevale said...

The axis inversion is interesting. I had the same issue with the 3D IC place and route tool showing Dothan and Yonah inverted. Ahh, the glories of euclidean vs Cartesian...