Monday, June 06, 2011

Z Problem

Programming is all about assumptions. You have to make certain assumptions about what your software is going to encounter, and how different modules will work together. To do otherwise would require total knowledge, and the development of a system that could handle anything (which would make it smarter than any human, so you'd be developing strong AI).

As long as your assumptions hold, your software will work well. And if new features fit in with those assumptions, they will be easier to add. If they violate the assumptions, you're in for a world of hurt.

When I started the True Atlanteans client, I knew it was possible to have a z coordinate for hexes. But I didn't have any test cases, and I figured it was a long way off. Well, I just got some test cases, so I guess I have come a long way!

Once again, Tcl and Sqlite made things pretty easy. I rebuilt the tables with a z coordinate and added a couple of entries to the right click menu (yea, I have a right click menu, unlike ALH).

I also fixed the one man unit bug in the old style parser. Rereading the last blog entry made me realize that items have [ABBR], while flags do not.

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