Sunday, June 05, 2011

Items Up!

I must say, working with Tcl and Sqlite has been a real pleasure. Adding orders required changes in about 3 places, most being one or two lines of code: import the data from the TON file, pull the data during unit update, build the GUI items.

The items changes were about the same. My original thinking was that I would need a separate table for items, keyed by the unit id. But Sqlite lets me toss a whole Tcl list into a cell, so I just went with that...

The item box is above the old order box. I figured it would scroll pretty often, so I stuck a scrollbar on there right away (orders might need a scrollbar).

This example shows the frustration inherent with trying to parse the old file format. Units with one man don't get that man in the items (Fast Couriers are one man units in my empire).

Here is the entry for Fast Courier 416:
* Courier - Fast (416), Last Outleans (6), avoiding, behind, revealing
faction, holding, receiving no aid, nomad [NOMA], 14841 silver
[SILV], 20 horses [HORS], 5 herbs [HERB], 2 mink [MINK], 4 velvet
[VELV], ivory [IVOR], mithril [MITH], 2 chocolate [CHOC], pearls
[PEAR], 2 spices [SPIC], 2 roses [ROSE], 2 caviar [CAVI], 2 cashmere
[CASH], iron [IRON], silk [SILK], pick [PICK]. Weight: 1089.
Capacity: 0/1400/1415/0. Skills: combat [COMB] 1 (30).

The star ('*') indicates this is a full data report ('-' is limited data, '+' is buildings). Then comes the unit and faction names. After that are the unit flags, then items.
Everything is comma separated, with big groups period separated (items, weight, capacity, skills).

But there is no way to tell when flags end and when items begin.

My parser is looking for a number (no flags have numbers, and any item count above 1 will have a number). I suspect ALH understands all the men types, and is checking that... or it understands all the flag names and promotes mismatches. I guess I could tell by making a new flag and seeing if ALH promotes it to an item with count 1 :)

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