Monday, August 30, 2010

Stuff I've read lately

"F is for Fugitive" (Sue Grafton)(audio) - I'm reminded of the old TV series "Murder She Wrote" (or, as I liked to call it "Murdered She Was"). Every week Jessica Fletcher (who was also the mother of the "Manchurian Candidate", aka John McCain) visits a relative (she had a lot!). And every week, that relative gets framed for murder, and Jessica needs to find the real killer.

I began to realize the incredible improbability of such events. It was far more likely that Jessica was the murderer. She was also skilled at framing people, as she would frame her relative (sloppily) while actually framing a third party so well (and tormenting them the whole episode - Columbo style) that they would confess!

This time, Kinsey shows up in a small town to investigate a murder from 17 years ago. By the time she is done: the accused murderer's friend and mother are dead, and the original murderee's mother is dead!

Not safe to be around Kinsey!

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