Monday, July 07, 2008

New Stars Status

Some more operative bugs (and much needed new features):
  1. Floating-point exception while generating a huge universe (names underflow?)
  2. Need a redraw of paths on delete waypoint
  3. Waypoints always insert at 0 (should be end)
  4. Fix close enough on shift-click (canvas is returning a list?)
  5. Feature - drag waypoints
  6. Need to clear the current filename on open (fixed locally)
  7. Feature - recent files, remember working directory (.ini)
  8. Production Queue (PQ) - shift/control click, hot keys
  9. Generate player files automatically on new game
  10. PQ - "Remove" removes all on a multiple item!
  11. Messages on planetary build (will need filter!)
  12. Research tax in GUI
  13. Ship Designer - delete needs a refresh
  14. PQ - collect ships above and below on add
  15. Messages for fleet complete orders and new planet scans
  16. Feature - View all fleets (F3)
  17. Feature - Fleet composition and split/merge
  18. Scanner pane focus arrow, update on next (fleet/planet)
  19. Hab distribution is uniform
  20. Speed and fuel in fleet orders

1 comment:

jdevale said...

I was actually quite relived to see that my error checking code still functioned, and that it detected the game state mismatch and forced us to regenerate the player files.

We should definitely plan a brainstorming session on the last major code block -- battle engine. Everything else seems OK, subject to our first few real playtests...