Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hey Taxi!

I was looking for a fun little game to play when I get tired of whatever it is I'm working on. I'm tired of solitaire, and the statistics in free cell make it too stressful (same for spider solitaire).

So, I've started hacking Hey Taxi into Tcl. I worked on it about 5 minutes last night, and in less than a half hour this morning, I've got a pretty fun framework. Here's a screen shot:

I've bound up arrow to -10 Y acceleration. If you go below 0, you move up properly. Not sure how much I'll need to add to keep it fun... I think I at least want X thrust.

Update: I added X thrust.

Source for heytaxi.tcl

set ::gravX 0
set ::gravY 1

set ::velX 1
set ::velY 1

set ::taxiID 0

proc eventLoop {} {
if {$::taxiID == 0} { return }

incr ::velX $::gravX
incr ::velY $::gravY

set coord [.c coords 1]
if {$::velY < 0 || [lindex $coord 3] < [.c cget -height]} {
.c move $::taxiID $::velX $::velY
after 1000 eventLoop

proc thrustUp {} {
incr ::velY -10

proc thrustLt {} {
incr ::velX -5

proc thrustRt {} {
incr ::velX 5

pack [frame .fVel] -side top
pack [label .fVel.lLX -text "X Velocity:"] -side left
pack [label .fVel.lVX -textvariable velX] -side left
pack [label .fVel.lVY -textvariable velY] -side right
pack [label .fVel.lLY -text "Y Velocity:"] -side right

pack [canvas .c] -side top

set ::taxiID [.c create rectangle 10 10 20 20 -fill yellow]

bind . <keypress-up> thrustUp
bind . <keypress-left> thrustLt
bind . <keypress-right> thrustRt

after 1 eventLoop

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