Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Another new member!

Hello all,
I'd like to welcome Corey to Mudge A209. While not a proper citizen, he is certainly a permanent alien. Corey is most famous for the "Discontinuously Probable Wooden Appendage", and demonstating the behavior of a Stars! mass packet exceeding MAX_WORD (32768 kilotons) in an actual game setting.


Commander Blop said...

Man, I don't remember if I did that or not... If I did, I knew so little of programming at the time that I just let the explanation go in one ear and out the other.

I haven't played a Stars! game in a while. I'd be up for it if anyone else was interested.

Commander Blop said...
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Commander Blop said...
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Commander Blop said...

Technically I was a citizen - at least for a semester.

Although for a long time I remembered it as 211 instead of 209.

nedbrek said...

I am getting old. I don't even remember the number now. 211 does sound more correct...