Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Stars Status

Another day, another bug!

This time, it looks like a bug (or bizarre algorithm) in Stars!

John was kind enough to fix the previous bug.

Now, our Long Range Scout has picked up a ly in the X direction.

The relevant X,Y pairs are:
Finale 78, 80
New Stars 101, 108
Stars 100, 108

The distances are 36.24 ly for New Stars, and 35.61 for Stars. It's really not clear why Stars didn't give up that last ly...

I'm tempted to call "Will Not Fix".

How can our lock step hope to succeed with bizarre bugs like this :(


jdevale said...


We could try and deduce the stars move code, but is it really worth it? Since it seems unlikely that we were ever going to completely replicate the occasionally mystifying battle engine, does this really matter? I think the most important thing is that the base economic algorithms match (for now). Everything else just needs to work, and I know we were planning on doing some re-balancing anyway. For starters AR is *grossly* overprices...

nedbrek said...

Yea, "will not fix". I don't think it will throw off our test run too much.

Let me know when you have the next turn checked in. I will fix you New Stars version of 2400, eventually :)