Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Stars Status

Wow! A long time with no updates!

Real life has interfered with development, hampered by some irritating 64 bit problems. Apparently, the C runtime in Windows Vista accepts %ll for printf. The same cannot be said for Windows XP.

I had been doing most of my development on a Windows Vista machine, but lately have had to fall back to Windows XP. That's when I noticed the regression doesn't pass.

I tried to track down the printf's and replace them with ostringstreams (finally a case where C++ is better than C!), but there are just too many of them. I ended up doing:
vi `grep -l '%ll' *.cpp`

Ahh, saved by vi.

The regression is now somewhat passing, but there are some oddities... need to check against Vista...


jdevale said...

Drat that windows experience! Is g++ still OK with it?

nedbrek said...

I haven't committed the I64 changes (and I won't be). They are just local to those machines.