Sunday, November 09, 2008

Stuff I've read lately

"Into the Looking Glass" (John Ringo) - This is the first book by Ringo that I have read. It was pretty good. Kind of a mix of David Drake and some harder SF guy (Niven?). The story is about a physics experiment gone horribly wrong. The initial experiment blows up UCF, and starts opening stargates to all sorts of different places. Soon, evil aliens start pouring through some of them. Lots of action. In the end, they have to nuke Eustis.

Ringo had an interesting weapon system, a "quarkium bomb" or "quark ray". The exact mechanics weren't clear, but it was supposed to be more powerful than anti-matter. So, it can't be that the quarks are the direct objects converting to energy at the target (that would be equally powerful). Perhaps there is some way a form of quarks could trigger a chain reaction of disrupting nuclei. That would be scary...

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