Sunday, September 23, 2012

LoN for Noobs: Starting Out

Light of Nova has its own unique quirks which set traps for the unwary, and hide gems from the uninformed.  I'll try and shed some light on them:

  1. Starting out, don't worry about any mothership modules apart from crystal and metal gathering.  Build the others to collect the training rewards, but focus on these two.  (I'll post a queuing guide next)
  2. Do the first adventure - that will give you a new commander.  The next commander is a ways in.  Best to hit those with better tech.
  3. Find a governor and a main fighter.

You want a governor with metal or crystal skill (ideally both, but that rarely happens).  Fuel is useless.  Crystal is needed for research, while metal is needed for advanced flagships.

Your main fighter will have tempest skill (and ideally vulcan or destroyer).  This is because the computer guys love fighters and are optimized for killing cruisers and battleships (and fighters are too flimsy for big fights).

You will get fifteen commanders over time, and have upwards of six planets (each needs a governor).  You will want a battleship commander, and Longbow commanders are good for killing enemy player's flagships.

Use your experience potions on your governor (your fighter will get plenty of xp from fighting).  Don't worry too much about rank at first.  You can rank up your governor with medals a couple times to get him more points for politics skill and his resource specialization.

Light of Nova

I finally found a Stars-like that people are playing (and it was even on Facebook!)

The mechanics are pretty straightforward (build, build, build), and politics plays a pretty important part.  There is even a story that is not entirely terrible.

And I've got a spreadsheet!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Manic Digger

Been having a blast in Manic Digger.

It's an open source clone of Minecraft.  One of the cool features is seasons; in the winter, the top layer of water freezes, and you can pick up "water" blocks.

Then, you can take those blocks and drop them somewhere, and create waterfalls.

The mountain on the left has already been covered, and you can see the water starting to flow on the mountain in the distant center.

I was working in a mine when the water hit the bottom, and found myself having to fight a flood in!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hell's Faire

"Hell's Faire" (John Rngo) - This is the fourth book in the Posleen trilogy.  Apparently, Ringo was finishing the third book when 9/11 happened, and got writer's block through press time.  This book continues where the third left off (plus a small - "we last left our heros"), and finishes the war on Earth.

Ringo says in the afterword that this series was written for his enjoyment (not intended for publishing).  If you don't take it too seriously, it is definitely fun.  The Sheva (named Bun Bun, after Sluggy Freelance) gets up-armored and close support weapons and fights its way towards the main character.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Blackhole Applications

I've been trying to work through some of the implications of constructing and using artificial black holes.

It's particularly interesting, because the numbers are very constrained: either you get a lot of power for a short time (and light mass), or less power for longer time (and high mass).

My latest problem is dealing with increasing power over the lifetime.  A hole which is going to last 20 years, will deliver 66% more power after just 10 years (and things start to get out of hand after that).

I see several possibilities:
  1. Design for final power - with longer lasting holes, this isn't too bad.  An 800 year hole (6.7e8 kg) will produce just 10% more power after 100 years.  But with our 20 year hole, you are significantly underpowered (or over-engineered) for most of your usable life.
  2. Refit over time - either transplant the hole into a new hull every once in a while, or perform deep reconstruction every few years.  This seems possible, but you need to make sure you don't miss a refit!

This also brings up another issue: disposal (or recharging) of holes.

When a hole hits about 2.28e5 kg, the lifetime is roughly 1 second - that's 2e22 J released in one second (so, Watts).

Basically an enormous bomb (almost 5 million megatons of TNT).

Easy disposal is to chuck the thing into the sun before it gets to this point.  But that needs to be included in the cost - you're building up a lot of energy which you are going to throw away.

"Recharging" would require putting mass back into the hole (which is likely pouring out gigawatts of hard x-rays and gamma rays).  Not an easy task.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Solar Germany

A fascinating post from Ars:
"That has rocketed from an installed capacity of 6GW in 2008 to 25GW in 2011—amounting to half the world's installed solar power, with 7.5GW installed in that year alone."
The article has some interesting data about the bulk price of electricity, but I was startled by these numbers.

I recently heard Germany was going to shut down all their nuclear reactors.  I figured they were on a trend to freeze to death just before the lights go out (I'm pessimistic like that :)

From Wikipedia:
"The installed nuclear power capacity in Germany was 20 GW in 2008 and 21 GW in 2004."
So recent solar panel installations have nearly replaced nuclear.

That is a _lot_ of solar panels.  There are a lot of factors, but there is only about 1 KW/m^2 to work with (and efficiency should cut into that hard).

Or, at least 25 million square meters of panel!

US production from solar? 0.9 GW (2010) - yay us.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When the Devil Dances

"When the Devil Dances" (John Ringo) - The third book of the Posleen War.  Word on the street is this and the fourth book were supposed to be combined to make a trilogy.

It should be no surprise that I like things "epic" (very large).  That's why I prefer Babylon 5 to DS9, and elements of Star Wars over Star Trek.

So, I was initially very excited about Ringo's SheVa (Shenandoah Valley) tank.  Basically, a shuttle crawler armed with a cannon.  It's about three times bigger, and nuclear powered.  The gun fires a high velocity DU round, with an anti-matter charge.

I was compelled to break out GURPS Vehicles and start drawing it up, but the only discussion on the net I could find was at Star Destroyer dot Net.  What a bunch of wet blankets!

They've soured the experience some for me, but, overall, I remember this third book as being in line with the first two - and enjoyable.

The first book introduced the setting, and the Posleen enemy.  All the action takes place off Earth.  The second book covers the initial landing on the east coast (Virginia and DC).  The third book pulls a Dune, and skips ahead 5 years, after the Posleen have conquered much of the world.  The middle of the US is still holding out, with the Appalachians acting as a Great Wall (and army elements plugging the passes).

The power armor units have taken heavy casualties, and we get more insight into the Posleen, as some of them start to smarten up after humans have killed off all the dumb ones.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

C++ Remove Thyself!

Came up against a nasty bug recently...

What do you think the following code does? (You shouldn't need to be a programmer to guess)

std::remove(myArray.begin(), myArray.end(), "cheese");

(this looks hideously over wordy...)

Maybe, remove all the items matching "cheese" between the beginning to the end of the container 'myArray'?

Good guess!  And if you read the docs, you might think that...

What it actually does is shuffle the elements so that there are no items matching "cheese" near the front of the container.  It returns a pointer to the last valid element.

This means you have to do:
std::erase(std::remove(myArray.begin(), myArray.end(), "cheese"), myArray.end());

(wow! they found an even more hideous way to write code!)

There's even a Wikipedia page! Erase-remove idiom
Sounds kind of ominous...

So, if you ever used std::remove, check all your code for this bug!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gust Front

"Gust Front" (John Ringo) - The second Posleen book.  I often imagine how movies might be made of books I am reading.  I think this one has real potential to be something memorable (of course, it could be done as another forgettable version of "Independence Day").

There is a lot character and "big ideas" (sacrifice, etc).